Speaker Archives

Title: “Jesus Christ and His Cross in (OUR) Cultural Context, Part 5:
God’s Wisdom, Revealed by His Spirit”

Speaker: Pastor Mark Wilcoxson

Scripture Reference: I Corinthians 2:6-10
View Text: English Standard Version

Length: 18:24 min.
MP3 File Size: 12.6 MB

Please note: the audio for this sermon is no longer available for download.

Title: “Jesus Christ and His Cross in (OUR) Cultural Context, Part 4:
Proclaiming the Testimony of God”

Speaker: Pastor Mark Wilcoxson

Scripture Reference: I Corinthians 2:1-5
View Text: English Standard Version

Length: 41:28 min.
MP3 File Size: 28.4 MB

Please note: the audio for this sermon is no longer available for download.

Title: “Jesus Christ and His Cross in (OUR) Cultural Context, Part 3: The Foolishness and Weakness of Man”

Speaker: Pastor Mark Wilcoxson

Scripture Reference: I Corinthians 1:26-31
View Text: English Standard Version

Length: 32:09 min.
MP3 File Size: 23.4 MB

Please note: the audio for this sermon is no longer available for download.

Please note: Part 2 of this series was experienced in the form of the Good Friday Service on April 10th; no recording was made.

Title: “Jesus Christ and His Cross in (OUR) Cultural Context, Part 1: The Wisdom and Power of God”

Speaker: Pastor Mark Wilcoxson

Scripture Reference: I Corinthians 1:17-25
View Text: English Standard Version

Length: 41:19 min.
MP3 File Size: 28.3 MB

Please note: the audio for this sermon is no longer available for download.

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