Title: “Repentance and the Kingdom of God”
Guest Speaker: Mr. Dave Birrell, Bethesda Elder
Scripture Reference: Mark 1:1-15
View Text: New International Version
View Text: English Standard Version
Length: 22:26 min.
MP3 File Size: 15.4 MB
Please note: the audio for this sermon is no longer available for download.
Title: “What is ‘blasphemy of the Holy Spirit’? Why is Jesus so serious about it?” Part 2
Speaker: Pastor Mark Wilcoxson
Scripture Reference: Mark 3:20-30
View Text: New International Version
View Text: English Standard Version
Length: 41:41 min.
MP3 File Size: 28.6 MB
Please note: the audio for this sermon is no longer available for download.
Title: “What is ‘blasphemy of the Holy Spirit’? Why is Jesus so serious about it?” Part 1
Speaker: Pastor Mark Wilcoxson
Scripture Reference: Mark 3:20-30
View Text: New International Version
View Text: English Standard Version
Length: 38:05 min.
MP3 File Size: 26.1 MB
Please note: the audio for this sermon is no longer available for download.